short thoughts — Business leaders need to actively listen to the...

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Business leaders need to actively listen to the people around and within their organisations. Their shareholders: sure. Their customers: absolutely. But also their employees, their suppliers, and society at large.
[[MORE]]Active listening means...

Business leaders need to actively listen to the people around and within their organisations. Their shareholders: sure. Their customers: absolutely. But also their employees, their suppliers, and society at large.

Active listening means accepting feedback and responding quickly and honestly when there’s reason to.

This doesn’t mean flip flopping around on strategy. It does mean having a strategy flexible enough to identify then embrace opportunities and threats outside and within the firm and act appropriately.

The social web allows, even demands, direct communication. So ditch the corporate speak and communicate directly with a human voice.

Not through unions, or consumer groups or associations. And interact often. But in a meaningful way.

Not by imploring us to follow or like you. But by answering our questions. By solving our problems.

These are short thoughts. For longer, more fully-formed thoughts covering business, public relations and change visit or sign up to email updates.

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